
Urlaub mit dem Mopped auf Kreta im Oktober? Ob das eine gute Idee war?

Mal sehen:

Die Moppeds haben wir bei Eurodriver gemietet. Yannis, unser Vermieter hatte die Böcke am Vortag an unserem ersten Hotel abgestellt und uns am Tag der Übergabe pünktlich um 11 Uhr die Turnsportgeräte übergeben.

Yannis spricht gut Deutsch und die Technik war in einem ordentlichen Zustand. Als Yannis dann hörte, dass wir in den 7 Tagen rund um die Insel fahren wollen, hat er für uns noch flugs eine Dose Kettenspray organisiert. Und wie sich herausstellen wird, sind die beiden XTs für die Bedingungen auf …

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Escape from Winter 2017 – Review

A little more than 1.200km in approx. one week. This was our trip to Lagos. Our rental bikes have been a MT-07 as well as a BMW 650GS. Both bikes are doing the Job, but the sound of both bikes is a little like a persisting wet fart. Next time we will go again for a XT660 – the sound is a lot better and there is more power at lo RPM.

But i don’t like to complain too much – the bikes have been technically o.k. and they showed us for one week the Algarve.

I am afraid that …

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Gran Canaria – Escape from Winter

Terrible Touristic Airlines

After this short week i remeber why i do not like the touristic airplanes:

Somehow everything is more hectic, noisy and stressful compared to the regular flights. There are significantly more children on these airlines and we had the blessing of one strong smelling specimen sitting in front of us, which had to use all the available throw-up bags.

The Pilot as did the best job in finding every single pothole and he landed the plane not straight, but very hard on the runway. But anyway, we arrived and that all that matters.

Accomodation in Maspalomas

After …

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China – Review

 China 2016 – a Motorbike Trip in Yunnan (short version)



The tour is starting in Dali and is taking us via Shaxi into the Tiger Leaping Gorge. This area is really showing off with giant rocks, deep gorges and the massive power of the river. In case you decide to take some time for  a sweaty hike you will be rewarded with some unbelievable impressions from the nature. After this your thighs may hurt, but at least for us it was worth it to do this exhausting  hike.

After this the tour took us through endless turns and small …

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