Can please somebody tell me, why i find every morning this weird stuff on my motorbike? Two days ago it was an old rotten horn of a bull and this morning i found the lower jaw of an undefined animal on my bike. Is this the Tibetan way to tell me that i have a good Karma? But it is more likely that somebody want to wish us luck on this tour with these strange presents.

The tour of the last two days took os from Baisha via Wumu to Lake Lugu. I have no idea where we are – however the streets on this tour is fantastic. For a short period of time we lost Christoph and Jonathan, because they took the wrong direction at one intersection. But they realized this real fast (just after 10km or so) and found theire way back to the right street.
We are riding on very small roads and take a little detour on an old street made of stones to see the old stone village and the Yangtse from an platform. The trip is a little challangeing since the old road is just renewed right now.
The Hotel in Wumu is very remote and the streets to the Hotel are so small that driving with 30-40km/h let me think that we are almost flying. However it is the one with the best view and we all can enjoy this location very much. I just can say to our tourguide Hendrik: „Good choice“

The next day we are on our way to Lake Lugu. Jonathan, Christoph, Yogi and myself are starting with a little offroad detour to have some fun on the Shineray. After this we meet with the entire group at a gas station. The chinese people does not know how to build a single straight street in this area. Turn after turn – up and down from warm to cold to warm. From tiny little streets to roads where you can run 100km/h – only turns. This is paradise for motorbikes – and even more important NO TRAFFIC AT ALL!

Arriving at the lake it looks a little bit like a lake in Italy – vacation time!
Bei Euch wird ja auch Geschichte geschrieben. Wir haengen gerade in Ámsterdam fest. Leider war der Flug von Frankfurt aus technischen Guenden verspaetet. Trotz Koerperlichen Schwersteinsatz (Rennen mit Stiefeln) sahen wir den Flieger hinterher. Die Truppe ist echt eine gute Mischung, das scheint echt zu passen. Habt weiterhin fun. bei uns geht es heute um 12 Uhr weiter, Ankunft Morgens um 2 auf Madagaskar. Ja es scheint kein Erholurlaub zu werden. Liebe Gruesse Andreas und Holger
Schwierigkeiten mit dem Flieger scheinen ja irgendwie zum Programm vom Motorrad Action Team zu gehören. Aber so lange wir ankommen ist ja alles gut. Euch auf jeden Fall eine geile Zet in Madagaskar. Wir werden jetzt unsere schmutzigen Sachen packen und langsam zurückreisen. China war auf jeden Fall sehr interessant. Finaler Bericht folgt in Kürze…